
A walk in the park followed by a cycle ride, weather permits. At least I tell my self.

The awning is dripping wet from condensation, this morning whilst we eat our bacon rolls and drink several cups of tea. The weather doesn’t look very good for a cycle ride so we put on our walking gear.
We walk along the side of the busy Stroud Road as  far as 2 mile lodge, before entering the Park.

Alot of joggers pass by ( presumeably from the nearby College) as we find  our way in the mist. Before long the Broad Ride is reached and we can  follow this right to the main gate and the Town.

A few pictures later and we are once again heading back up the hill to the camp site for some lunch. I am sat typing in this log entry as it starts to rain.

  Oh well Lesley has just arrived with some tea, a good excuse to end for a while and see what the weather does before venturing out again.

The weather hasn't improved, but we are still going for a ride on the bikes. Cold but fun none the less, the 4 mile ride takes us to Siddington and back, on a sunny day it would be a great trip.